season 1!
never to return-
until season 2!
SHUT UP! Ahem, ok, previously on supernatural*
*The main characters, except Lexie and Rider, have chosen to go onto Katniss' side which have sailed away on a raft, what could go wrong? Except Lexie's in charge of the other group, so lot's of things could go wrong*
*the scene starts off in Lexie's extension part of her cave, everyone on her side are on chains turning a giant wheel*
Rider: Lexie-
Lexie: Ahem!
Rider: >.> My beautiful, fair, extravagant, and wonderful Queen >.>
Lexie: Yes? Lowly peasant?
Rider: my name's Rider >.> and don't you think, oh hold on-
*Rider goes round the wheel once and reaches Lexie again*
Rider: Don't you think you're being a bit harsh? I mean we're going round a giant wheel for- hold on
*Rider goes round again and reaches Lexie again*
Rider: For no reason!
Lexie: Well, I can't have you all wondering off, and when I need one of you to do something, I let you go and make my monster follow you
Rider: oh yeah, your monster >.<
*Rider shivers*
Lexie: Everything is going as I planned >:)
*Meanwhile, on the raft, Chase is holding Diamond, who won't stop crying*
Chase: Shut up! Shut up shut up shut up!
Hanna: Someone better take away Diamond before Chase throws her overboard >.>
Caine: when are we gonna find land? it's been forever!
Selena: it' been half an hour -.-
Caine: that's a lifetime to a kid!
Arron: whatever >.>
*Katniss is sitting on one end of the raft, with her legs in the water, Candy sits down next to her*
Candy: Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there-
Katniss: SECOND YOUNGEST! Don't forget about Diamond :p
Candy: rats >.>
Katniss: You know, you're seriously irritating
Candy: right back at you leader :D
Katniss: >.>
*the Teenies are playing on the top of the raft, Teeny Caine and Teeny Hanna and dancing and laughing*
Teeny Caine: (to the tune of merry old land of oz) He he he! ha ha ha! and a couple of ho ho ho's!
Teeny Hanna: That's how we laugh and sing all day in the merry old land of Pluto!
Teeny Chase: We need you to shut up
Teeny Katniss: or else we'll stab your necks
Teeny Chase: don't make us really angry
Teeny Katniss: that's something you'll regret
Teeny Caine: ...those aren't the lyrics >.>
Teeny Chase: but they will be if you don't shut up
Teeny Hanna: uh, guys
Teeny Caine: Hey don't be mean to me im just having fun!
Teeny Katniss: your fun is the source of pain!
Teeny Hanna: guuysss...
Teeny Caine: I don't even know what that means!
Teeny Chase: It means you're annoying!
Teeny Hanna: GUYS!
Teeny Katniss, Teeny Chase & Teeny Caine: yeah!?
Teeny Hanna: STORM!!!
Teeny Katniss: What!?
Teeny Hanna: STORM UP AHEAD!
*Thunder starts up, the water pace starts to pick up as well*
Hanna: Uh oh, guys! Bring up the walls!
*Hanna, Caine, Katniss and Arron start rolling up the walls at the side of the raft, Candy attempts to help Katniss*
Katniss: I can do this my self!
Candy: No! Lemmi help!
Katniss: no!
*While they fight, the raft rocks and they both fall out*
Katniss: help! Help! HELP!
*The rafts gets pushed away by a giant wave*
Candy: I can't swim!
Candy: Help me!
Katniss: Geez >.<
*Candy climbs onto Katniss' back*
Katniss: Your heavier than you look!
Candy: I know :D
*after a while, Katniss and Candy both wash up on an island*
Katniss: Land! we reached land! GET OFF!
*Katniss throws Candy off of her back*
Candy: Quick, we have to find shelter and wait for the rain to stop!
*Katniss and Candy run over to a few tilting trees and shelter there*
Katniss: I hope Chase and Diamond are ok...
*Meanwhile, all four walls of the raft are up, so no more people have any chance of falling out, but since there is no roof, the rain it coming in*
Arron: Seriously!? No roof!?
Hanna: we didn't want it to be a box!
Selena: Well know im gonna box you!
Hanna: Don't you sass me sister!
*Diamond starts crying, Caine starts singing a lullaby*
Caine: The baby doesn't like the rocking of the raft!
Georgia: How do you know!?
Caine: I have the mind of a four year old!
*After a few more complicated arguments, the wind finally stops, and the sea calms,so everyone rolls the walls back down*
Caine: well thank goodness that's over
Emily: There's a floating body in the water!
Caine: And it's not over >.<
*Everyone helps pull the body onto the raft, it turns out to be a teenage girl*
Caine: You look familiar
Hanna: it's Lexie you idiot!
Girl: Lexie? My names Angel
Emily: well you don't look like any angel
Angel: Well neither do you Miss Vintage
Emily: I didn't ask for these clothes!
Angel: and I didn't ask for these!
Chase: That's not what Lexie had
Angel: Once again, who's Lexie!? Oh wait...Lexie as in my sister Lexie?
Derek: Lexie had a sister?
Angel: Unless we're not talking about the right Lexie, mean, horrible, makes you work hard, looks exactly like me
Derek: we're talking about the same lexie ^-^
Angel: You guys knew her!? Well where is she I've been looking for her for 11 years!
Hanna: She's in a forest far away from here
Angel: Dangit >.< we both ran away from home when we were 7
Caine: Why?
Angel: our dad was a scientist that wanted to experiment on us like he did with our mom
Chase: That's horrible :/
Angel: Yeah, so Lexie and I made plans to run away, but I got caught and she left me. So we've been separated ever since. But then I killed my father and set out to look for Lexie
Georgia: Well she's in a forest somewhere, bu-bye
Emily: if you see her with a boy called Rider, make sure he's not with any other girls
Angel: Oh come on guys I know we just met but you can't just chuck me out to sea and leave me to die
Hanna: She's right >.> we can't >.> not with me, an angel, on board >.>
Angel: So what im hearing iiiiisss...I get to stay on board???
Hanna: ...>.> fine
Angel: yay!
*Meanwhile, Katniss and Candy are trudging around the island they washed up on, which is pretty big*
Katniss: this place looks familiar
Candy: we've been walking around in circles!
Katniss: Ugh! why couldn't I have had any water powers >.>
Candy:...powers! That's it! I can transform into something that can fly and find the others!
Katniss: yes! Go go go!
*Candy transforms into an eagle and flies off*
*Candy doesn't hear and flies off*
Katniss: Great >.< I guess I'll just wonder around this island...alone...very vulnerable...
*Katniss begins to walk into the island*
*Meanwhile, The others are on the raft, floating around, most of them are arguing*
Selena: I don't need you! I could be Happy! With Tyler!
Derek: Don't you dare say that boys name in my presence!
Selena: Tyler! Tyler! Tyler! Tyler! Tyler!
Derek: Ugh!
*And Emily And Georgia*
Georgia: Omg get over him!
Emily: Omg!? Omg What does that Even mean!?
Georgia: Oh yeah I forgot you're from the old days!
Emily: Oh my like totally gosh I'm gonna smash your face to the max!
Georgia: Oh to the max is it!?
Emily: Yeah to the max!
Caine: who's Max?
Emily and Georgia: STAY OUT OF THIS!
Emily: Oaf!
Georgia: Ogre!
Hanna: Eagle!
Emily: Yeah! Eagle! Wait what?
Hanna: Not her! Look up! Eagle!
*The eagle lands of the raft and reforms into Candy*
Candy: Guys! Me and Kat landed on an island and we're stranded and we need your help!
Chase: You mean she needs our help
Candy: what?
Caine: You left her
Candy: ...oh...
Arron: We gotta go get her!
Candy: I know the way!
*Candy quickly grabs a rope and ties is to herself and the raft, she tranforms into a dolphin and begins to swim to the island*
*Meanwhile, Katniss is looking through the island*
Katniss: hello? Anyone here!?
Unknown voice: WHO GOES THERE!?
Katniss: Who is that!? My name is Katnissessa Everessa Mighty, who are you?
Katniss: Please don't hurt me- wait, CAINE!?
*Caine Jumps out*
Caine: Heeyyyyoooooo!
Katniss: how did you get here!?
Caine: Candy brought us
Katniss: us?
*Everyone comes out*
Katniss: Chase! Diamond!
*Katniss rushes and hugs them both*
Teeny Katniss: What are we invisible?
Katniss: Teenies!
*The hugs the four as well*
Chase: so where are we?
Selena: Our new home!
Katniss:...yeah im cool with that
*The group murmer in agreement and walk off*
Unsatisfying ending right? Well, Join me in four weeks for something better! BYE!!!
In four weeks time Episode: The Island of Mystery
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