*The Teenies, Katniss, Chase, Caine and Hanna need to go to the white Kingdom and also find Teeny Angel, Lexie has made everyone's life in the forest a misery*
The scene starts in the sewers on planet Pluto, Katniss, Chase, Hanna, Caine the Teenies and Teeny Emily are walking to the White kingdom
*Teeny Emily is ranting on to Katniss about something, Chase is hanging out at the back with Teeny Caine, Caine is skipping next to Teeny Hanna, Teeny Katniss is sulking next to Teeny Chase, Hanna is at the very front looking for Teeny Angel*
Teeny Emily: So then I was like, "oh no you didn't" and she was like "oh yes I did" and I was like---
Teeny Emily: you don't like my conversation with me and my friend?
Katniss: I barley like YOU -.-
Teeny Emily: Now you made me sad :(
*Chase is getting slightly annoyed with Teeny Caine at the back*
Teeny Caine: I know what your thinkiiiiiing---
Chase: Don't start with me -.-
Teeny Caine: :(...were you thinking about Pumpkins?
Chase: >.<....NO
Teeny Caine: :( your not fun
*Chase get annoyed and pulls Teeny Caines arm behind his back and pushes him to the ground*
Teeny Caine: OW! Your just like your Teeny! MERCY!!! >.<
*Caine is skipping next to Teeny Hanna*
Caine: So, do you like Teeny Caine?
Teeny Hanna: No, he's annoying
Caine: w-what? :(
Teeny Hanna: He's annoying, and he likes Teeny Emily
Caine: he does?
Teeny Hanna: uh, yeah, it's pretty obvious, you know, you're more stupid than your Teeny
Caine: :( hey!..I'm hungry :D
*Teeny Katniss and Teeny Chase are sulking walking next to each other*
Teeny Katniss: ...so...you and Teeny Chase, are you two, like, serious?
Teeny Chase: uhh, I dunno
Teeny Katniss: ok....do you love her?
Teeny Chase: why are you asking me all these questions?
Teeny Katniss: no reason...but do you?
Teeny Chase: I guess...
Teeny Katniss: ok...
*and Hanna at the front shouting for Teeny Angel*
Hanna: TEENY ANGEL!!!!...TEENY ANGEL!!!!!!!!!!...TE.ENY.AN.GE-
Katniss & Teeny Katniss: Will you shut UP already!?
Hanna: how else are we gonna find her?
Chase: How about we search instead of screaming our heads off?
Caine: that sounds like a good idea too :D
Hanna: >.>
Caine: but not as good as yours!
Hanna: :D
Meanwhile, Arron, Rider and Selena are still locked up in Lexie's cave
Rider: I can't believe we got ourselves into this >.<
Selena: How do we get out before Lexie murders everyone in the forest, or alerts those blasted scientists?
Arron: XD Blasted?
Selena: That's not the point!
*Rider spots a small knife on the floor*
Rider: Guys, I have an idea...
Back to Katniss, Chase, Hanna, Caine (I really need a group name for those guys >.>) and the Teenies. They have finally made it out of the sewers and out of the war zone, so now they are quite close to the White Kingdom
Teeny Hanna: Yes! We're almost there!
Teeny Katniss: :/
Teeny Chase: All we need to do is cross this bridge
Teeny Caine: But where's Teeny Angel?
*Teeny Angel comes running up to them, but wearing different clothes*

Chase: uh, why is she wearing that?
Teeny Hanna: Because she's an cenecris
Teeny Angel: yeah :/
Hanna: What's that?
Teeny Katniss: It's a teeny that just got out of prison
Teeny Angel: Yep :D Now, I have the scroll that both the White Queen, and the Black Kingdom have to sign
Hanna: A scroll? Come on this is like the 21st century
Teeny Hanna: Actually for us it's the 138,264,294,759,303.357,956,836,385,105,385,389,284,274,294,275 century...
Caine: O.O So many numbers...that I don't understand!
Teeny Angel: >.> come on guys! We need to get to the White kingdom before---
*an Arrow shoots past them all, the Teenies duck casually, but Katniss, Chase, Hanna and Caine fall over again*
Hanna: Ah!
Teeny Katniss: Calm DOWN >.>
Teeny Angel: Oh no, the war is getting closer to the castle! Come on guys! lets move!
*They all run towards the castle*
How will Selena, Arron and Rider escape? Will the others be able to get to the White Castle? Will Hanna ever calm down!? Find out in the next episode of SUPERNATURAL!
Next week's episode: Mission to Pluto P3
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