*Well the gang and the Teenies finally found Teeny Angel, and now they are at the foot of the White Kingdom*
Teeny Angel: We're here...now, you guys have to go inside and-
Teeny Chase: aren't you coming with us?
Teeny Angel: no...im banned from the White Kingdom
Katniss: then, why haven't you been escorted out yet?
Teeny Angel: Dude there's a war going on! Nobody cares if someone enters the White Kingdom!
Hanna: Then you should be able to come with us
Teeny Angel: ...good point >.>
*They all enter the White Castle, it looks like:
Caine & Teeny Caine: Preeeetty ^.^
Hanna: :D
Teeny Hanna: >.>
Teeny Katniss: guys, my mo- THE QUEEN!...should be this way...
Chase: O.o come on guys...lets go
*The gang run down the hall into large room, where a Teeny is sitting on a throne*
Meanwhile, Rider, Arron and Selena are trying to get a knife that has been stupidly put on the floor
Rider: Almost...almost got it...aaaaaaallllmoooosssst
Selena: You're not even reaching for it yet -.-
Rider: i'm going toooo!!!
Arron: Well hurry >.> In the mean time, how do we capture Lexie?
Selena: I dunno, how do you capture a demon?
Rider: If only there was another angel in the forest, I think Hanna's all we got. She would have been able to get Lexie off guard then we could all pounce on her or something
Arron: Less pouncing more grabbing -.-
Rider: :(
Selena: Hold on, I think Rider's on to something
Rider: I am? AWESOME!
Arron: Selena, what do you mean?
Selena: If we can find some people to distract Lexie, then we can pounce on her
Arron: Well first we need to be free-
Rider: GOT IT!
Arron: Whatever >.>
Meanwhile, back to the castle
*The Teenies bow before the new Teeny:

Katniss: o.O oh uhh...
*The rest of them bow awkwardly*
Chase: Who's this?
Teeny Caine: Queen Teeny Metis
QTM: Hello, dear Teenies...pause...I have heard that voice before...GUARDS!
Teeny Hanna: What's going on!?
Teeny Caine: Oh crud >.<
*3 guards drag Teeny Caine away*
Caine: What!? WHY!?
Teeny Hanna: Teeny Caiiiiiiine!!!
Teeny Angel: I thought that might happen :/
Hanna: What do you mean?
Teeny Angel: He's not allowed to be in the light side
Katniss: Why?
Teeny Angel: He's a demon Teeny, they're banned from the light side
Teeny Chase: But he said he converted!
Teeny Angel: He's a demon, they lie -.-
QTM: Anyway, what may I help you with?
Caine: We need you to sign that piece of paper thingy, so sign it :D
Teeny Angel: -.-, it's a peace Treaty, we need your signature here, and then the kings, so that we can end the war :), will you sign?
QTM: But of course, I AM queen of the good side after al- TEENY KATNISS!?
Teeny Katniss: Sugar >.<
Teeny Katniss: I'll go change >.>
*Teeny Katniss leaves the room*
Teeny Hanna: Whaaaat?
Teeny Chase: I think Queen Teeny Metis...is Teeny Katniss' mom...O.O
*Teeny Katniss re-enters the room, but wearing different clothes*

Teeny Katniss: Im back >.<
What will happen now That Teeny Caine has been dragged away to the dungeons? Will Selena, Arron and Rider be able to carry out their plan? And will the others and the Teenies be able to figure out what happened with Teeny Katniss? Find out next episode of SUPERNATURAL!
Next weeks episode: Encounter Zeus
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