*Stuff stuff stuff, Teeny Chase and Chase agreed to battle Teeny King Zeus, stuff stuff stuff- WAIT WHAT!?*
*Teeny Chase and Chase have been fitted with armour, making them look identical:

Chase: this armour is too tight >.<
Teeny Chase: especially in the-
KTZ: are you both ready for the battle!?
Chase and Teeny Chase: ready :/
KTZ: Great, but first, meet my partner >:)
*a large group of skeleton Teenies emerge from a flap on the floor*

KTZ: Woops, I meant partnERS >:)
Teeny Chase: no fair!
*the king sits on a high seat above everyone else*
Teeny Katniss: daddy :/
KTZ: Teeny Katniss, come join me, back in your own throne :)
*Teeny Katniss sighs and sits on her own special throne, the rest apart from Chase and his Teeny sit in spectator seats*
*The battle starts with the skeletons trying to pick up their weapons*
Chase: This is gonna be so easy >.>
*Teeny Chase and Chase easily slaughter all the skeletons*
KTZ: Well, you guys are good. Now it's time for stage 2 >:)
Teeny Chase: gammit >.<
Chase: Gammit?
Teeny Chase: it's my thing
*suddenly, Teeny skeletons burst through the roof, hundreds, no, THOUSANDS, start to attack Chase and Teeny Chase*
Teeny Katniss: Daddy! Please! Stop! They might die!
KTZ: and is that so bad?
Katniss: They won't be able to handle all of them!
Voice: Maybe they can't
*everyone stops what they're doing and looks around to find who the voice belongs to*
Voice: But I can...with the power of my....MAGICAL PUMPKINS!
*a song suddenly starts to play ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9D3hZfJ2sqs ) as giant pumpkins with legs run into the battle area, squishing all the skeletons until there are none left*
Hanna: O.O
Katniss: O.O
Chase: O.O
Caine: :D pumpkins :D
Teeny Hanna: O.O
Teeny Katniss: O.O
Teeny Chase: O.O
Katniss: who....who brought them here?
*standing alone, in the middle of the room, surrounded by skeletons and pumpkin guts, is Teeny Caine*

All (except Teeny Caine and KTZ): Teeny Caine!
*Teeny Hanna runs over and hugs him, the rest pat him on the back and congratulate him*
KTZ; damn >.>
Teeny Hanna: Teeny Caine XD Your wearing girls armour! XD
Teeny Caine: *cutely* ...oh
*While everyone laughs, KTZ grabs the peace treaty and signs it*
KTZ: there...the war can stop >.>
another Voice: wonderful :)
*everyone turns around, to find the Queen Teeny Metis*
KTZ: Teeny Metis...why have you come?
QTM: I came to apologize...I still love you...
Chase: oh brother >.>
KTZ: I still...love....you too...
Katniss: Oh brother >.<
*QTM and KTZ embrace, everyone except Chase, Katniss and their Teenies find it adorable*
Katniss: Since this "war" is over now, can we leave?
QTM: but of course :D
*QTM and KTZ wave their hands, creating green sparkles that fly around the room*
Teeny Hanna: wait wait wait! Not all of u-
*the gang and their Teenies disappear*
Meanwhile, whilst all of that was happening, back in the forest:
*Selena, Arron and Rider have now escaped, and are running towards the area Lexie is, they soon spot her*
Selena: LEXIE! STOP!
Lexie: How did you escape!? I knew I shouldn't have left that butter knife on the floor >.>
Arron: You need to free everyone immediately!
Lexie: and if I don't?
Selena: if you don't then we'll...we'll
*Katniss, Chase, Hanna, Caine and their teenies suddenly appear*
Katniss: You'll what?
Rider: Guys! Your back!
Chase: heck yeah we are B-)
Lexie: Dammit >.<
Hanna: Lexie...what did you do to everyone?
Lexie: nothiiiiing
*everyone working stops what their doing and looks at the returned leaders, they all start to cheer*
Caine: It's good to be back :D
Hanna: yeah, and full sized
*a part from the crowd pick up Lexie and drag her off somewhere*
Katniss: XD
Teeny Hanna: So Teeny Caine, how did you escape from the good Kingdom prisons?
Teeny Caine: dude B-), the cell bars are giant tooth picks with cotten on each end, it wasn't that hard :P
Well...theres not really any questions to ask here XD...come back next week on SUPERNATURAL
Next weeks episode: Project 1 P1
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