*Last week was the scientist ep, so nothing exactly happened in the forest, but it's been a year and two months since everyone started living there, and seven months since Katniss became pregnant*
*the scene starts with Rider and Emily, they are both sitting under a tree, holding hands talking about life before the facility*
Emily: and my mom would always sit at the typewriter, writing these really weird stories, and once, I accidentally took one of them instead of my biology report!
Rider: Ha ha!- wait...typewriter?
Emily: oh I mean uhh...what do you use in this century again?
Rider: ...laptops?
Emily: Yeah! That's what I mean! Tops that you put on your lap! laptops! Ha ha! Gotta go bye!
*Emily quickly runs off*
Rider: hmmm, she's been doing that a lot lately...I better ask the leaders about it...im still not used to that >.<
*Meanwhile, Sam, Candy, Georgia, Arron and the Teenies are playing in the corner of the forest*
Teeny Caine: That game of hide and seek was fun :D
Teeny Hanna: We were playing tag -.-
Teeny Caine: oh...so THAT'S why no one would find me
Teeny Katniss: That's not why -.-
Georgia: Come on guys, lets to something else
Teeny Chase: Like?
Arron: uh, truth or dare?
Teeny Hanna: yay!
Teeny Caine: great!
*Teeny Caine starts to run around*
Candy: what are you doing?
Teeny Caine: playing Tag
Teeny Katniss: sit down -.-
*they all sit in a circle, the teenies sit on Candy's knee*
Sam: Candy, truth or dare?
Candy: Dare
Sam: hmm, I dare you...to jump onto that tree, swing on that vine, do four flips in the air and land on your hands, on that tree stump.
Arron: o.o
Teeny Hanna: She can't do that!
Candy: We won't see till we find out B-)
*Meanwhile, Rider is reciting his Emily story to Katniss*
Rider: So what do you think I should do?
Katniss: hmm, nothing, don't worry, I'll take care of it
Rider: Really? Thanks Kat, I owe you one
*Rider smiles at her, Katniss smiles back*
Rider: *thinking in his head: Is it bad that I still like her?* anyway, bye
Katniss: See you later tonight
*As Rider leaves, Chase comes in*
Chase: hey Kat, what was Rider here about?
Katniss: Just an Emily problem...which you can help me with!
Chase: Oh man >.<
Katniss Ok so-
Chase: all I wanted-
Katniss: here's the plan-
Chase: all I wanted-
Katniss: first we-
Chase: was to come in and say hi to my girlfriend, but noooo, I just get dragged into one of your plans like it's just another thursday!
Katniss: hey! listen!
*Katniss drags Chase out of the cave*
*meanwhile, Lexie is in her cave, but for once, she isn't creating some dangerous potion to overthrow Kat and the rest...wait...that's exactly what she's doing :p*
Lexie: a drop of blood, one index finger, some dragon spit, yep, I have everything. time to stir it up and finally create the creature that will eliminate those so-called leaders!!! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
*Suddenly, black, white, red, blue and green smoke fills up the room, Lexie starts coughing, after a small explosion of more smoke, it all clears, and in the pot, stands a teenage boy around 18*
Lexie: Aw man! I asked for a dangerous creature, and instead I got some kid! Why couldn't I have gotten something cool like a dragon or a griffen!? grrr!
Boy: Master!
Lexie: ...are you talking to me?
Boy: yes master
Lexie: Finally some respect around here!
Boy: Master, what is my name?
Lexie: Your name...your name is....Tyler :D
Boy: tyler? Ok
Lexie: Great, now, since im stuck with you for a dangerous creature, you have a job to do
Tyler: and that is?
*Lexie begins to whisper in Tyler's ear*
*Meanwhile, Cane, Hanna and Derek are in a cave*
Caine: TELL US NOW!!!
Derek: I DIDN'T TAKE THEM! Are you just going round and doing this to everyone in the forest!?
Caine: he's onto us >.>
*Hanna rolls her eyes and sighs*
Hanna: Your free to go >.>
Derek: thank you, finally >.>
*Caine unstraps Derek, Derek cracks his snake hand and walks off*
Hanna: We're obviously not gonna be eating any more apples soon if this is how we investigate
Caine: why don't we take a walk and think it over
Hanna: ...yeah okay...
*Meanwhile, back to Arron, Sam, Candy, Georgia and The teenies*
*without thinking, Candy jumps onto a tree, swings on a vine, does four flips in the air and lands on her hands, on a tree stump*
Teeny Katniss & Teeny Chase & Teeny Hanna: O.O
Teeny Caine: :D
Sam: She...she did it o.o
Arron: Woah o.O
Georgia: that is one heck of a girl
*Candy joins the others again*
Candy: ok, so, Teeny Hanna, truth or dare?
Teeny Hanna: Truth
Candy:....if you could go out with one of us "biggies" which would it be?
Teeny Hanna: Hmm, I've never really thought about that...Rider maybe
Teeny Katniss: his Teeny is your brother O.O
Teeny Hanna: O.o
Arron: Ha ha XD Ok, Teeny Hanna, your turn
Teeny Hanna: ok, I want to pick two people, Teeny Kat, And Teeny Chase
Teeny Chase: And to think, I was actually enjoying this game >.>
Teeny Hanna: >.> Both of you, truth or dare?
Teeny Katniss & Teeny Chase: Dare
Teeny Hanna: >:) I dare you two to kiss for 10 seconds
*Meanwhile Chase is walking next to Emily, they are having a chat, what Emily doesn't know is that Katniss is silently watching them*
Chase: So, uh, what sort of music do you like to listen to?
Emily: Whatever's on the wireless I guess
Chase: Wireless?
Emily: what?
Chase: You said Wireless...
Emily: I did? Uh, I totally meant radio! Gotta go bye!
*Emily quickly runs off again*
Chase: O.o ok...
Katniss: What the heck was that!?
*she walks to stand next to Chase*
Katniss: Something is so up with her, and I have just the plan to find out
Chase: Wait, there's more? Aw man >.<
Katniss: Come on! >.>
*Katniss drags Chase off*
*meanwhile, Tyler is walking through the forest, picking berries*
Tyler: what sort of job is this? I thought I was supposed to be helping her defeat the leaders, not make her dinner >.>
*Selena is leaning against a tree, brushing out her hair with some bone*
Tyler: Wooooaaah o.o
*To Tyler, everything seems in slow motion as he watches Selena, she flicks her long hair behind her shoulders*
Selena: Hey, how's it going?
Tyler: it's uhhh....it's um, doing....gooood....yeaah....
Selena: ok...I'm...gonna go now
Tyler: no! Wait! Sorry about all of that before, Im Tyler, im new here
Selena: ok then, hey Tyler, Im Selena :) but I actually have to go now, im helping with the entertainment show tonight
Tyler: Entertainment show?
Selena: You don't know what the Entertainment Show is? Where have you been!? I'll take you tonight, does that sound doable?
Tyler: Yes, yes it does :)
Selena: Later :D
*Selena runs off*
*meanwhile, Hanna and Caine are still on their walk*
Hanna: ok so here's my theory on the disappearance of the apples: An invisible giant-
Caine: -.-
Hanna: ok...a group of magical mermaids-
Caine: --.--
Hanna: ok...maybe we just ate them all?
Caine: ding ding ding ding ding :D
Hanna: but that can't be right! Everyone has stuck to their portion for the day, we should have had enough apples for 14 more years!
Caine: ok, what happens now?
Hanna: I don't know, I really just don't-
*Suddenly, Hanna falls down a hidden hole on the ground*
Caine: HANNNAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Caine jumps in after her*
*Hanna is about to land on the floor, but spreads out her wings and flaps hard enough for her to land on the floor standing. But Caine falls on top of her*
Hanna: ouch >.<
Caine: Thanks for breaking my fall :D
Hanna: Thanks for breaking ME -.-
Caine: ...Your welcome :D
Hanna: >.>...what is this place anyway?
Caine: O.O
Hanna: What? what is it? Caine,we talked about this, big boy words
*Caine points, Hanna looks forward, and realises they are on a gigantic hill of apples*
Hanna: ...oooohhh...
*Tyler and Selena are quietly chatting amongst themselves*
Tyler: so you guys all plan these every night?
Selena: Yep
Tyler: cool!
Selena: Can I ask you something? I hope it's not too personal
Tyler: Sure, lay it on me
Selena: Where did you come from?
Tyler: Well, it's a bit complicated, you see-
*Katniss comes out and immediately everyone quiets down*
Katniss: Hi everyone, today we're doing something different, A quiz! I'll need a contestant...you!
*Katniss drags out Emily*
Emily: Whaaaaaat?
Katniss: First question Emily, what is a laptop?
*The audience sniggers*
Emily: Pfft, a top that you wear on your....lap? I only just realized how stupid that sounded o.O
Katniss: Ok, second question, what is a skypad?
Emily: A pad that you...put in the sky- no that's stupid as well >.<
Katniss: Third question, what is up with you lately?
*The audience goes silent, Emily looks around, then runs off*
Katniss: Emily! Don't try to run away from a girl with super speed!
*Katniss uses her super speed to easily catch up with Emily*
Katniss; Emily, seriously, what is up with you?
Emily: ...it was a year ago...
Sarah: *Talking to others* Come on, I want to do the trick NOW!
Mason: Wait until she comes over here!
Felicity: Forget that. *Screams* AMELIA!
Emily: *Runs over* Yeah?
Katniss: Hold on ... You're old name was Amelia?
Emily: KATNISS! ._.
Katniss: I'm just saying ... *Mutters* Another old name? Seriously?
Georgia: I think we found out a worse old name than Selexia.
Selena: Hey >_>
Emily: Wait..how did you two get here?
Georgia: We need to find out this juice, we're the forest gossip queens
Katniss: ayeayeaye >.>, anyway, carry on
Emily: ok, basically, my friends decided it would be funny if they pulled a time warp trick on me :/and badabingbadaboom, here I am
Selena: ooooooooh...
Emily: that's why you think i've been acting weird, when the real thing was that im from the 60's.
Georgia: Does that mean your like 50?
Emily: XD no,I just time travelled
Selena: I still don't get it :D
uh...I can't think of questions XD See next week's episode of SUPERNATURAL
Next Week's Ep: The scientists return 1
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