Sunday, 10 November 2013


Ok guys, so the next two posts aren't going to be our usuals, these two posts are going to be about what goes on at the scientist fecility :D so enjoy!

Meet Bernard:

he is the star of this story!
we begin...

*The scene starts at the scientist facility, two scientists are informing an intern about something*

Scientist 1: Ok, Mr cleethsworths

Bernard: Call me Bernard :D

Scientist 2: no -.-, anyway, all you have to do is stay in this room all night and make sure nothing crazy happens

Scientist: 1: yes, we lost one of our greatest discoveries 10 months ago

Bernard:  oh, well don't worry, I won't fail you

Scientist 1: so you can do it?

Bernard: Did the chicken come before the egg?

*both the scientists, and Bernard laugh*

Scientist 2: so we'll check on you in the morning

Bernard: ok

*the two scientists leave*

Bernard: this is gonna be a piece of rhubarb pie  B)...what am I even looking after tonight?

*Bernard walks into a room with "animal room" on the door, as he walks in, he see's mutated animals run frantically around the room, mutant animals like (WARNING: you may find contents disturbing (I know I did >.>)):

Bernard: ok...maybe two rhubarb pie's :/

*meanwhile, in room 14 "Lab Rats", 2 interns are watching rats scuttle in their cage*

Intern 1: This is so boring >.<

Intern 2: Yeah...wait, I have an idea >:)

Intern 1: I think I have the same idea >:)


*meanwhile, back in Bernard's room, he's finding it hard to round up all the animals*

Bernard: Hey! You! Rat with the third eye! You! Tiger with the zebra strips! You! Turtle with the hair...wait that's a wig

*Bernard groans*

Bernard: Im never gonna be able to round these animals up!..wait, I have an idea!

*Bernard quickly runs and starts fiddling with all of the buttons*

what do you think will happen now? Find out on Next week's episode of SUPERNATURAL!
Next weeks episode: Project 1 P2

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