I LOVE MEATBALLS!Ok...just that ONE time! Anyway, on this blog im basically doing my own sort of TV show thingy, but the script. SO basically almost all the characters are supernatural. Some are human for...reasons O.O but anyway, here are the characters that will be introduced straight away.
Powers: Light, speed, can open up portals to anywhere and can see visions
Powers: Levitation, strength, teleporting, can find out peoples emotions
Powers: Making people fall in love, making tonardos, making people say things they don't mean, making people see things
powers: Fire, water, ice, smoke
Powers: Shifter, strength, speed
Powers: Demon, demon powers
Powers: angel, nature
(The scene is set in a scientist fecility, teenage children are held in cages)
Katniss: *leaning against the wall of her cage. Glances at the clock* ugh, 4 minutes
Caine: *pokes head out of the bars of his cell* Be patient, the time'll come
Katniss: *pokes head out* Who are you? That weird alien dude from star wars?
Caine: *rolls eyes*
Hanna: *pokes head out* Come on, don't get in an argument now, we're going to escape in *looks at the clock* three minutes!
Katniss: Yeah, if everyone remembers the plan. Which im pretty sure SOME people won't
Caine: hey! I so remember it!
Katniss: Really, so you know what step you come in?
Caine: sure...step...4?
Katniss: no! Ok, I'll run through the plan again, step one; One of my balls of light explodes and kills everyone in there but me step two: I let everyone out Step three: You fight off any guards, Step four: Chase helps me burn down the building and step five: We get outta this prison!
Caine: I knew that O.O
katniss: Yeah right
Caine: did so!
Chase: *pokes head out* Guys, shut UP
Katniss: *looks at the clock* Yeah shut up! Time's up! Freedom in 30 seconds!
Anonymous Voice: Subject 1 is being let out of the cage, subject one is being let out of the cage, subject one is-
Candy: We heard you!
*Katniss' cage door opens and scientists with suits on immediately grab her arms* Ugh.
*Katniss is led out of the cell rooms and into a small room with controls and a bed. She is sat on the bed*
Scientist: Hello Subject 1, are you ready for your test?
Katniss: yeah get on with it
*Another scientist something into her thigh and starts to take away a bit of her blood, but hasn't noticed that katniss is forming a ball of light in her hands behind her back*
Scientist: So subject 1, do you remember how many times you have tried to escape?
Katniss: 18 times
Scientist: That's *flips through notes* strange, I thought it was 17 times...
Katniss: Nope 18
Scientist: when was the 18th time?
Katniss: Today *takes out the injection and lets the ball of light expand, when it gets to the size of a human it explodes, harming everyone in the room apart from Katniss* Freedom here we come!
*an alarm goes off*
Katniss; of course -.- *runs over to the controls and spots a button that says: OPEN ALL CELLS* well, that was dumb -.- *hits the buttton*
*All the cage doors swing open simultaneously*
Candy: Freedom!!!!
Hanna: YES! *runs out*
Georgia: Oh my gosh, her plan ACTUALLY worked this time
Rider: I knew she could do it <3
Katniss: *runs out of the room and to chase and Caine* Come on!time for step three four and five!
*Katniss runs to the back of the science facility and the boys follow, Caine is leading and fighting off scientists and security with his super strength*
Katniss: We start here, so it gives people a chance to-
*a wild group of monkeys horses and a lizard with one leg*
Chase: What are they!?
Caine: Katniss! Did you press the button that said open ALL cells!?
Katniss: Yeah why?- oohhh....Well no time for that! we gotta start burning! *lifts her hands up and twin beams shoot out*
Chase: *creates balls of fire and shoots them at the wall*
Caine: There are too many scientists!!!
Katniss: Ok....Chase, send everyone a mind message to get to the entrance, I'll create a portal big enough for only surpernaturals to jump through
Chase: Sure! *Mind messaqge to all supernaturals: Everyone to the entrance, wait for katniss' portal to come and jump through it!*
Hanna: *gets the message and starts to run*
Candy: *follows Hanna confused, but soon gets the mind message*
Katniss: *creates a portal but beams get weaker*
Chase: Keep it up! Come on Kat!
Katniss: *lights get stronger soon the entire wall is on fire and some parts are breaking away* Come on lets get to the entrance!
Chase: *runs to the entrance*
Katniss: *tries to run but trips over and fire surrounds her* Chase!
Chase: *stops and turns around. See's Katniss caught in fire, is torn between leaving her or saving her...* I'm coming! *teleports next to Katniss in the circle of fire, picks her up and teleports her outside*
Katniss: thank you! *gets down and creates a ball bomb* We have 10 seconds to get away...RUN!
Part 2 coming soon. Where will the supernaturals go? Who will they meet and will they survive
the outside world
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