*It has been a week since Katniss, Chase, Hanna and Caine became the forest leaders, Lexie started to live as a normal Supernatural in the forest, no word from the scientists, and its been a week since Katniss and Chase kissed...*
New Character!!!
Powers: healing, the elements
*The first scene is set in the forest, Katniss is sitting in the privet hide out which only Chase, Hanna, Caine and Katniss know about*
DAY TIME: 4: 37 AM
Katniss: *trying to go to sleep*
Hanna: *slides down the hole, which is the entrance* Hey, Katniss, you wanna go to mount Valley with me?
Katniss: Chase is gonna be there?
Hanna: yeah
Katniss: then no
Hanna: oh come on, why are you suddenly so against each other? Did you have a fight or something?
Katniss: *murmers* Just the opposite
Hanna: what?
Katniss: nothing! But, ok I'll go
Hanna: great!
*meanwhile in another part of the forest*
Georgia: *making a daisy chain*
Rider: Daisy Chains are lame
Georgia: funny, you used to love them before KATNISS said they were lame
Rider: People change
*a wolf comes out from the bushes, it forms into Arron, who is shirtless*
Arron: I like daisy chains
Georgia: See, cute boy likes daisy chains
Rider: *rolls eyes* well, i'll be...gone
Georgia: Don't spy on Katniss
Rider: -.- whatever *frowns when he turns around*
*at Mount valley,which is basically a field with a small mountain*
*Chase has already arrived when Katniss and Hanna come*
Chase: Hanna you finally came...hey Katniss
Katniss: hey...
Hanna: Come on! You guys seriously need to stop doing this, we're having a meeting tonight to tell everyone the rules, but we can't make them, until you two start talking to each other! Now, i'm gonna leave, and you two better work things out, or else
Chase: or else what?
Hanna: Or else you'll have me to deal with
Katniss: Pfft, angels don't hurt anybody
*Rider hides in one of the only bushes in the vally which happens to be right next to Katniss, Chase and Hanna*
Hanna: Your right, but a certain demoness might
Katniss: >.>
Chase: <.<
Hanna: now, you two, FIX THIS *leaves*
Katniss: ...
Chase: ...
Katniss: ...
Chase: Come on, we have to talk about this
Katniss: I don't want to
Chase: but we have to eventually
Katniss: *turns around for a minutes takes a deep breath and turns back round* fine, why did you kiss me?
Rider: *gives a little gasp*
Chase: Because I....I...
Katniss: exactly
Chase: You really want me to tell you?
Katniss: yes
Chase: You seriously want me to tell you?
Katniss: YES
Chase: alright, I'll tell you why, because I like you, yeah, you heard right. I like you
Katniss: I...uhhh
Chase: I should go... *walks down the hill*
Katniss: ...Chase...
Rider: *sneezes*
Katniss: Uhhh, hello?
Rider: *falls out of the bush* oh umm heyyy Katniss...
Katniss: i'm guessing you heard the whole conversation
Rider: Yeahhh
Katniss: Well then your up to date, but I like him too!
Rider: *hopes and dreams are shattered*
Katniss: I wanted to tell him, but the words wouldn't come out
Rider: *tears start to form in eyes*
Katniss: Well, um, thanks for listening... you ok?
Rider: *sniffs* im fine
Katniss: *looks confused and creates a portal and steps through*
*At Lexie's old cave, but there are no servants*
Lexie: lets see *flipping through a very old book* how to tame a bird, how to make a endless supply of doughnuts, how to control minds? *folds the corner of the page* might use that for later...aha, here it is! How to create the necklace of truth. That'll shut the others up...now the ingredients...ugh how many!?
*in the forest, Georgia and Arron have spent the past 10 minutes talking*
Georgia: Soooo uhhh...how did you become a werewolf?
Arron: My mom was human, my dad's a wolf, so how did you get your powers
Georgia: *gets caught off guard* uhhh...what?
Arron: your powers? How did you get them?
Georgia: I...uhhh *steps back but is on the edge of a cliff*
Arron: why are you so nervous?
Georgia: I,umm *looks downwards* please don't come any closer
Arron: why? *takes one step closer*
Georgia: *stretches arms out and leans backwards*
*meanwhile, Caine is sitting in a cave scratching pictures on the wall*
Chase: *walks into Caine's cave*
Caine: hey Chase
Chase: hey
Caine: you ok? you seem tense, do you need a massage?
Chase: No, I do not need a massage -.-
Caine: You seem tense, you sure you don't need one-
Chase: -DUDE!
Caine: sorry, sorry, why are you so angry?
Chase: nothing...nothing
Caine: You know, I got a new power yesterday, mind reading. and I know why your upset
Chase: so i'm guessing you know I like Katniss now
Caine: I do now
Chase: *looks confused*
Caine: *laughs* I don't have any mind reading powers, but I do know your mood is in love, I was making sure it wasn't with me, as im so charming
Chase: -.- yeah...charming
Caine: Hey! Well, I can help you by telling you that Katniss likes you back
Chase: Mmmhmm, if she really did, she would have said so
Caine: And who is the mood reader in the room right now, AHEM
Chase: *rolls eyes* I'll believe it when I see it,
*In an unusual end of the forest*
Sam: *looking at a crystal ball* Now, if I just get a few strands of hair from Katniss' head then I will be able to find out how powerful she is...how will I get them...oh! I have the perfect plan
*In another part of the forest*
Lexie: Ok, one hair from a toad...do toads even have hair? O.O
Toad: I do! But all my hairs are in my butt *smiles a toady smile*
Lexie: Aww man!
*at the middle of the forest, on the edge of a cliff, Arron has had to lean forward and catch Georgia from falling off the cliff*
Arron: shhh...don't move
Georgia: *screams and pushes forwards and falls on Arron*
Arron: ouch *turns into a wolf*
Georgia: *screams again*
Arron: *turns human* Its me!
Georgia: Phew *rolls off of him*
Arron: Why did you freak out?
Georgia: I... I have to go *runs off*
Arron: *scratches his head in confusion and turns into a wolf and leaves*
*at the lake, Katniss is sitting next to it, thinking everything over*
Katniss: why is my life so confusing? *hugs her knees and puts her head down*
*A flash of light comes in front of her*
Katniss: Too....bright!
Metis: Dear, why are you upset
Katniss: ...mom...I told you to stop doing that!
Zeus: why are you upset child
Katniss: My life is too confusing...what can I do?
Metis: sometimes when things are confusing, the answer comes to you at the worst of times
Katniss: what?
Zeus: wait, the answer shall come to you
Katniss: But I don't get it!
*the vision starts to fade away*
Katniss: Mom! Dad! Don't leave me! please!
*the vision is gone*
Katniss: no!
Hanna: *stands next to Katniss* uhh, you ok, who were you talking to?
Katniss: ... nobody
Hanna: O...k, so how did your chat with Chase go
Katniss: ugh, it couldn't have gotten any words *stands up*
Hanna: why what happened?
Katniss: ask him, cuz he's the only one that's clear on what happened
Hanna: He told you he loved you?
Katniss: How did you know?
Hanna: Mind reading, angel quality
Katniss: you might be an angel but your not a very good one
Hanna: trust me, this, is the nicest angels get
*they laugh and leave that end of the forest*
*Back in Lexie's cave*
Lexie: ok, so I think I have all the ingredients. One toad hair, spider guts, one drop of blood, human DNA, 101 strands of grass and two boogers from a butterfly. *drops them all into the pot* I didn't know I was a witch ¬.¬
* Lexie stirs the pot and the liquid changes from red, to green, to blue, the potion explodes, leaving a diamond necklace in it's place*
Lexie: Yes, I've made it! once everyone see's what's really on Katniss' mind, they'll beg for me to be their leader! MWAHAHAHAHAH- *coughs* seriously WHY does that keep happening, do I have a cough or something? Oh well, time to start my way to victory! *walks out of the cave, with the necklace, leaving her spell book open*
*in the middle of the forest, Katniss is sitting on the grass, playing with two little balls of light*
Katniss: stay, sit, roll over
Two balls of light: *stay, sit, roll over*
Katniss: Good boys!
Lexie: Hey Katniss, Katty, Kat, Kat my main man, Kat ma-
Katniss: HI, Lexie. what do you want?
Lexie: I just wanted to say sorry for all the destruction I've done
Katniss: You mean setting mine, Hanna's and Caine's caves on fire, try to kill me at night, put wild animals where people sleep, terrorize most of the people here, and lets not forget-
Lexie: Yes, I mean all of that! But to prove i'm sorry, I made you, this *holds out the necklace*
Katniss: A diamond necklace? You want to give me a diamond necklace? Something you could sell for over a billion $?
Lexie: yep, all for little miss you
Katniss: uhh, thanks...Lexie *takes the necklace and puts it around her neck, it shimmers and she begins to speak the truth* I don't care about this necklace, I think your a stupid girl that needs brain surgery, so that you can get a brain!
Lexie: Ok, maybe I should have put that on you when you were around other people...bye! *runs off*
Katniss: clump nugget -.-
*In the tallest tree in the forest, rider is crying while lying down on the highest branch*
Candy: *Is climbing up the tree and spots Rider* uhh, dude? You ok? *flies up to him, and is just floating in mid-air*
Rider: *sniffs* I'm fine
Candy: You sure? You seem upset, something bothering you?
Rider: YES! *tries to hold onto Candy but leans too much and falls out of the tree* AHHHH!
Candy: Rider!
*Meanwhile, Caine is still in his cave, he has found a spider that doesn't look normal and has put it in a jar*
Caine: What are you?
Spider: *spews green goo in the jar*
Caine: ewww
Selena: *walks into the cave* Uhh, Caine, watcha doin?
Caine: Checking out this spider
Selena: *looks at the spider and screams*
Caine: OW! what's wrong!?
Selena: *carries on screaming and runs out of the cave*
Caine: O.O *looks at the spider* are you her cousin?
*Back on the tallest tree*
Rider: *still falling* AHHH!
Candy: *flying just below him and catches him but ends up both of them falling* AHHH!
*They fall to the ground with a loud thud and a sickening crunch*
Candy: Ow, are all my bones ok? *feels herself* yep, Rider you ok?
Rider: *unconscious*
Candy: OH NO! Do we have a healer!? *runs around looking for someone who is a healer*
AT NIGHT- 10:16 PM
*At the meeting*
Hanna: Hi everyone, we've called you all here to tell you the new forest rules-
Katniss: -even though I'm pretty sure you didn't have any before
Lexie: *smiles evilly as everyone looks confused*
Hanna: -...ok, Rule number 1: Nobody can sleep out in the open at night or day
Katniss: Pretty sure nobody's gonna keep that one
Hanna: *whispering* Katniss! Shhh!
Katniss: oh blah blah blah!
Lexie: oh this is just too good
Chase: *looks confused for a moment and then glares at Lexie* Lexie! What did you do to her!?
Lexie: Oh I'll tell you what I did! I put a truth necklace on her, now watch and listen carefully as I ask her this question!: Katniss, do you care about the forest and the people in it
Katniss: Of course I do, I wouldn't take on the job as leader if I didn't care about the forest
Lexie: she...she's speaking the truth!
Katniss: of course I am, and speaking of truth I know that you put a truth necklace on me.
Lexie: pfft, no I didn't
Katniss: uh yeah, you did, and I can prove it *takes of the necklace and puts it on Lexie* did you or did you not give me this necklace so that people would hate me and make you their leader again?
Lexie: Yes, I did, and im proud! Because I, am a proud, sick person!
Katniss: yes you are, bye now
Lexie: *realizes what she's just done and stomps off*
Katniss: *laughs* Come on, carry on with the meeting
Chase: Rule 2: Make sure all incidents are reported to the leaders
Caine: Rule 3: Do not steal any properties that do not belong to you
Hanna: Rule 4: No having parties or anything like that unless established with us first
Katniss: and Rule 5: You can sleep with other people, cuz I know you guys will, but only a maximum of 4 per...wherever you sleep. Questions?
Georgia: You said that you were gonna hand out jobs for people?
Hanna: Oh yeah, almost forgot about that *pulls out a folded peice of paper* People in charge of finding food: Taylor, Candy, Rider and Arron. People in charge of look out: Georgia, Selena, Sam and Bruno. We will also be having a NEW type of entertainment show, hosted by the fairies!
Caine: I don't get it O.O
Katniss: If you have any more questions then please speak to any of us four because we kinda need to break up the meeting
Hanna: wait one more thing! Curfew is 10:00, unless your going to the Entertainment show, then it's 11:00
Chase: Everyones gonna go there now
Caine: Meeting dismissed!
*as the meeting breaks up, Candy rushes over to them*
Katniss: Candy, you have a question?
*everyone pauses*
Katniss: What?
Candy: he fell off a tree and broke his body!
Katniss: Oh my gosh! *trying to speak over anyone?* DO WE HAVE A HEALER? ANYBODY!?
*A girl around everyone else's age comes out from the shadows*
Girl: I...I'm a healer
Katniss: You are? great! Candy where is he?
Candy: Next to the tallest tree
Katniss: New girl, hold onto me
Girl: What?
Katniss: ugh! *picks her up and super speeds to the scene*
Girl: *gets down* wow that was quick!
Katniss: don't just stand there! HEAL HIM
Girl: Ok ok *kneels down and puts both hands on his chest* my name's Emily by the way, since you didn't ask
*By the time Rider is mostly healed, everyone has come to the tree*
Chase: ... *taps Katniss and beckons her to come with him, takes her to the side* So, the necklace of truth?
Katniss: Yeah, its this necklace once you put it on, you'd tell the truth no matter what, I put one on my mom and she got fired from her job the next day, but I never knew why
*they both laugh and then go silent*
Katniss: But, I don't need a truth necklace to tell you this...I like you too...and if you still like me, then maybe we could...you know...go out...but you don't need to answer right now it's just-
Chase: *kisses her again*
Rider: *has woken up, and was watching Katniss and Chase, tears start to form again* why couldn't I have died when I fell off the tree?..
What just happened between Katniss and Chase...again? How will Sam get Katniss' DNA? Why did Selena scream when she saw Caine's spider? Will Rider be ok and will he get over Katniss? Find out in the next episode of SUPERNATURAL
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