*Hanna and Caine are officially going out! Derek wouldn't sit with Selena for some reason, and Georgia became furious with Arron for not calling her fun, he said the same thing with Chase too! It has been around 4 months of living in the forest*
The scene is set at the scientist fecility, they are working on a helicopter
Female scientist: Is the navigator installed yet?
Male scientist: we need one more screw to build in the cup holders-
Female scientist: really -.-
Male scientist: Yes! We scientists get very thirsty when we're discovering mutants
Female scientist: Oh Harold, if I wasn't marrying you this evening I'd say you were an idiot
Male scientist: (o).(o)
*Meanwhile, Katniss, Chase, Hanna and Caine are sitting together in the middle of the forest having their weekly meeting*
AT 8:34 Pm
Caine: Can you guys remember when we had that meeting about having a party?
Katniss: oh yeah! Should we still have it?
Chase: definitely!
*Katniss, Hanna and Caine look at him, surprised*
Chase: What?
Hanna: your...happy
Chase: So?
Caine: That's never happened before O.O
Chase: Oh come on guys, I just thought, maybe, I could turn a new leaf
Katniss: Well...ok, as long as your fine with it...
Hanna: Back to the party thing, are we all in?
Katniss: Yep
Caine: Partyyyy!
Chase: im on board
Hanna: Then, lets announce it to the world!
Caine: but...then people would know we're super-
Katniss: It's an expression!
Caine: oh...:D
Chase: We'll announce it at the Entertainment Show, everyone goes to it now a days
Hanna: Then it's settled! I think that concludes this meeting
Katniss: Great! But, when are we gonna have the party?
Caine: Next week Wednesday
Chase: Why so precise?
Caine: Cuz I like to say Wednesday, the spelling :D
Hanna: Well ok, now THAT settles it :)
Caine: Yay!
*Caine hugs Hanna, Katniss and Chase get up and leave*
Meanwhile, Georgia is sitting on the grass, making daisy chains
Georgia: la la la la la, la la la la la, la la laaaaaaaaaaa
Arron: Georgia! Georgia! Guess what I found!
Georgia: A brain?
Arron: Haha -.-, and no, looky!
*Arron hold in his hand, an Ipod*
Georgia: An Ipod?
Arron: What's that?
Georgia: An Ipod, it plays music, see
*Georgia presses the play button and rap music plays, very loudly*
Arron: ARRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Georgia: -.- Idiot
*Georgia presses the pause button and turns down the music*
Arron: Phew, what WAS that!?
Georgia: Rap music, I don't like rap either, I like this kind of stuff
*Georgia finds a slow song and plays it*
Arron: This is better...
*Georgia and Arron sit together, an earplug each, and listen to the music*
Meanwhile, Lexie is in her cave
Lexie: What kind of spell could I use to wipe out Katniss and her little group once and for all...
*Lexie starts flicking through the pages of her spell book, and stops at one of the pages*
Lexie: This might work...but I need samples...
*Lexie sets down her spell book, open on that page, and walks out of the cave*
*A wind blows through the cave and flicks the pages, it stops on one page and sparkles fly out and whirl about, the pink sparkles blow out of the cave*
Meanwhile, Katniss is writing down a list of things in her and Chase's cave
Chase: Peekaboo!
*Katniss turns around*
Katniss: Nice and playful, is not a good look for you :/
Chase: -.-, well, what are you doing?
Katniss: Just writing down a list of things we need for the party
Chase: well, why don't you take a break? You've been at it for like-
Katniss: twelve minutes -.-
Chase: yeeeaaaaah, lets go!
*Chase holds onto Katniss' hand and skips out*
Katniss: This, is just way too freaky
*As the Entertainment show is ending, Katniss stands up*
Katniss: EVERYONE! Next week, on Wednesday
Katniss:... ok...on next week's Wed-nes-day, we are hosting a party for you all. We need the fairies to help Hanna and I with the decorations, and some others to help Chase and Caine with the activities, the people in charge of getting everyone food and drink will take care of that for the party, that's all
*Everyone chatters about the party and leaves the cave*
Hanna: Now all we have to do is plan it....peace of cake
:D, Play a song that you like (if you want) and read:
Katniss, Hanna, Chase and Caine spend the week preparing for the party, Katniss trying to teach her 10 balls of light what to do, ending up chasing after them, Chase and Caine trying to think of party games, none of them having ideas, Hanna putting up flowers and not noticing that they just fall on the floor when she puts up the next one. When your song finishes, imagine it has been a week and everything is ready for the party
Katniss: there,everything, done
Hanna: I can't wait till tonight!!!
Caine: Me neither!!! I got something for you
Hanna: Awh, what is it?
Caine: it's a surprise
Katniss: Blah, they've been together for a month and they've already gotten each other gifts
Chase: I think it's cute
Katniss: You think it's cute? He thinks it's cute! HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY THINK IT'S CUTE
Chase: Katniss I-
Katniss: No! I've had enough! I want the old Chase back! I want the Chase that didn't agree with anything! I miss that Chase
*Katniss walks away*
Chase: ...
Hanna: Well...this is awkward...
Caine: ...pumpkins...
Chase: yeah...im just...gonna-
*runs after Katniss*
Hanna: now what?
Caine: ...pumpkins?..
Hanna: Pumpkins...
Everyone but Katniss and Chase are having a good time, Chase has gone back to his old, mean self. Everyone has sat down in a circle to exchange gifts they made for other people
Caine: Hanna
Hanna: yeah Caine?
Caine: here
*Caine hands Hanna a ring with a red heart on it*
Hanna: Caine, where did you get this? It's beautiful
Caine: I found it when I was thinking of that poem for you
Hanna: thank you
*Hanna hugs him*
*Lexie stands up*
Lexie: Everyone, everyone
Katniss: Oh brother >.>
Lexie: My gift, is to Chase
Chase: Oh brother >.>
Lexie: We've known each other, for a long time, and I just wanted to show how I feel about you
*Lexie stands Chase up, and kisses him*
Hanna: uhhhhh
*Katniss stands up and is about to walk away when a few helicopters suddenly fly above them all*
Caine: What is that?
*Scientists and soldiers are lowered out of the helicopters*
*Due to confusion everyone has no other choice but to put their hands up, the soldiers tie up all of the supernaturals and put them in the helicopters*
Katniss: Let go of me!
*the scientist injects something into Katniss' neck*
Katniss: I'll get y...
What will happen now? Join us Next week on SUPERNATURAL!
And Join us tommorow for the Teenies!
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