*Spiders attacked, Selena lied...stuff...*
This episode is a little bit different because apart from Katniss and Arron, nobody is actually who they are, except in the beginning
*the Scene is set in the forest...where else is it...ever?*
*Hanna is having a go at Katniss for setting Lexie free by accident*
Katniss: It's no big deal
Hanna: no big deal!? IT'S A HUGE DEAL!
Katniss: Oh blah blah blah, we caught her didn't we?
Georgia: We can't have you doing this!
Candy: Yeah! What if it happens again but nobody can catch her again!
*Everyone begins to argue*
Katniss: You know what? I'm sick of you always thinking that you know everything! I hate you all! I could run this place smoothly if it wasn't for stupid Hanna! *turns around and walks into a tree* Woops *Falls to the ground*
Hanna: Oh no, Katniss! Kat can you hear me! Kat!?
*Everything goes blurry, then stops, but a new scene has arrived, it has wonderful flowers and colors that look magical*
*Katniss wakes up and looks around*
Katniss: Ok what is this place?
*Arron is sitting next to her, only he is a wolf, Arron barks*
*Katniss steps back and trips over a fallen tree*
Katniss: ow!..Hello!? Is there anyone here!!!???
*Emily comes out. But she isn't wearing a usual outfit*
Katniss: Emily, what are you wearing!
Emily: Why don't you take a look at your own outfit miss judge-a-puss
*Katniss looks down*
Katniss: Oh my gosh -.-
Emily: I'm a munchkin
Katniss: aren't their supposed to be like a hundred of you?
Emily: Yeah but everyone else is on holiday
Katniss: o..k...but is there any way to get...away from here?
*There is a funny twinkling sound and Hanna appears in a puff of smoke*
Katniss: *coughs* Hanna!
Hanna: Hello child, how may I help
Katniss: You can help by turning off that smoke machine
*Emily runs and turns off the smoke machine*
Hanna: Thank you
Katniss: what are you wearing!?
*Hanna looks down at herself*
Hanna: What's so bad about it? Anyway, I am Hanna the good witch, you seem to be in trouble what would you-
*suddenly there is a black puff of smoke and Lexie appears*
Katniss: This is from a movie I know it is...but im pretty sure this is a horror movie...considering Lexie's outift
Katniss: Oh boy -.-
Arron: *barks*
Lexie: Stay away, glitter girl. She murdered my sister when that tree of hers fell on her, and now she's gone KUR-SPLAT!
Katniss: That's not my tree O.O and I didn't kill her
Lexie: Did to!
Katniss: Did not!
Lexie: Did to!
Katniss: Did not!
Lexie: did-
Hanna: GIRLS! Listen, Lexie, It was a pure accident
Lexie: Yes, because everything to you is a pure accident -.-
Hanna: It was! Like when you accidentally killed my dog, Poofels,
Lexie: That was not an accident my friend
Hanna: Anyway, Katniss here just wants to get back home so just-
Lexie: She's not going home with my sister's ruby-
Katniss: slippers?
Lexie: Why yes...how did you know?
Katniss: Everyone has seen this movie -.-
Lexie: M...movie? *wipes her cheek and a bit of her "green skin" (green face pain) comes off* oh! Tell me more about this movie
Hanna: um, she doesn't have any time because she was just leaving
Lexie: WAIT! But I need my slippers!
Katniss: Fine
Hanna: no Dorothy-
Katniss: Dorothy?
Hanna: Sorry...that slipped out...no Katniss, don't let her have them, if she wants them so badly, their magic must be very powerful in deed
Katniss: Magic?-
Lexie: Very well my pretty, but watch out. I'll get those slippers, and I'll get your little mutt too!
Arron: *barks*
Katniss: Ok I'm definitely in a dream...or a nightmare
Hanna: Sorry about her, but she can't hurt you once you get to Concussion City
Katniss: What?
Emily: Concussion City, the wizard of concussion will help you get home
Katniss: The wizard of what?
Hanna: Concussion, all you have to do is follow the yellow brick GPS *Hands Katniss a yellow GPS with a brick design*
Katniss: -.- well, I'm off
GPS: Walk 350 then turn left
*Katniss groans and begins to walk*
Hanna: I hope the wicked witch of the west doesn't try anything sneaky...oh well...
*Katniss has been walking for a long time now*
GPS: Recalculating
Katniss: You've been saying that for the past three hours!GRR!
GPS: 1000 steps to the nearest anger management class
Katniss: ARGH! *throws the GPS on the floor and it smashes* woops -.-
Caine: Careful!
Katniss: Caine! What are you wearing O.O
Caine: who's Caine?I don't have a name
Katniss: Well from now on your name is Caine
Caine: Ok, hey, where are you going?
Katniss: to the wizard of concussion
Caine: Cool can I come?
Katniss: Sure what do you want, a brain? *Smirks*
Caine: O.O y-yes...how did you know!?
Katniss: ugh *rolls eyes and starts to walk*
*In Lexie's evil lair, which looks exactly like her cave*
*Lexie is pacing up and down in her "lair"and her pet monkey, Selena, is listening to her*
Lexie: I can't believer her! That-
Selena: Bu-bu-bu! Language!
Lexie: shut up ¬.¬ but don't worry my little flying monkey. I will soon avenge her!
*Lexie cackles and coughs in between*
*meanwhile, Katniss and Caine have been walking aimlessly for hours*
Katniss: When are we gonna get there!?
Caine: I think it's close
Katniss: Uggh!
*suddenly there is a loud groan*
Katniss: What the heck was that?
Caine: it wasn't me
*the loud groan again*
Caine: Ah!
Katniss: I think it's coming from that big, tin statue
*The groan comes again*
Caine: Now that's just annoying
Tin statue: Oowwiiilll....cwgraaannnn
Katniss: What?
Caine: I think he said old gran
Tin statue: owwwillll cwrraagggnnnn
Caine: Old...man?
Tin statue: Oh for crying out loud! I SAID OIL CAN!
Caine: Eep!
*Katniss recognizes that voice*
Katniss: Chase! *runs and hugs him*
Chase (tin statue): Uhhh....hello?
Katniss: Oh, right, wizard of oz dream
Caine: uhh, I thought his name was the wizard of concussion?
Katniss: Shut up ¬.¬, anyway, Chase. Why are you inside a tin can?
Chase: Get lost
Katniss: Gee, where's your love and compassion -.-
Chase: I don't have any
Katniss: well, your cold blooded -.-
Chase: No, I mean I don't have a heart
Katniss: No kiddin'
Chase: No I mean I don't actually have a blood pumping heart you idiot
Caine: hey!
Chase: Not you, the girl
Caine: yay!
Katniss: hey! I'd like you to treat your girlfriend nicely please
Chase: Girlfriend?
Katniss: Oh yeah, this is a dream, I gotta remember that. Never mind Chase
Chase: Who's Chase?
Katniss: Sorry, never mind Tin man -.- I'm guessing you want a heart cuz it's something your clearly lacking?
Chase: yeah...
Katniss: Then follow us!
Caine: I thought we didn't know where we were g-
Katniss: Follow ME!
Caine: Ok ok...what am I gonna get myself into O.O
What will happen in part two of Wizard of Concussion? This isn't any ordinary dream...
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