*Katniss has hit her head on a tree and has entered a dream where all her friends are the characters and she is Dorothy...*
*Caine, Chase and Katniss have been walking, Caine leading the way, but he has gotten the gang lost in the forest*
Katniss: Caine!
Caine: Who?
Chase: You!
Caine: oh
Katniss: You got us lost!
Caine: Did I?
Chase: You were leading!
Caine: I was?
Katniss: Caine!
*There is a sudden rawr*
Caine: W-w-what was that?
Katniss: I don't know...
*suddenly, Rider, dressed as a lion jumps out from behind the trees*
Rider: RAWR!
Caine: Eek!
Chase: Huh?
Katniss: Umm...
Rider: Who dare enter MY domain!
Katniss: Rider?
*Rider turns around, then looks at katniss and points to himself in confusion*
Katniss: Yes you, what the heck are you doing!?
Rider: I am not Rider! I am the lion of the forest!
*Arron barks as Katniss has totally lost it and hits Rider's furry shoulder repeatedly*
Chase: Oh gosh -.-
*Chase and Caine try to pry Katniss off of Rider, but she kicks them in the face*
Caine: this will take a while ¬.¬
*after twenty minutes, Chase and Caine have pulled Katniss away from Rider, but he has broken down and curled up on the floor crying*
Chase: Oh brother -.-
Katniss: Coward -.-
Rider: It's true! it's true! I am a coward :(
Caine: What's a coward?
*Katniss Ignores Caine's question*
Chase: Dream?
Katniss: NEVERMIND! Rider...I guess you can come with us to go to the wizard of concussion -.-
Rider: Who?
Chase: this guy that's gonna give me a heart, and this one a brain
Caine: I'm a brainless boy!
Katniss: your a scarecrow -.-, well, he's gonna bring me back to the forest
Rider: Where?
Katniss: the- Ugh just ever mind
Rider: ok...I'll come!
Chase: Wait!
*Chase pretends to lunge at Rider, and Rider quickly screams and jumps into Katniss' arms*
Arron: *barks*
Katniss: Eww gross! *drops Rider*
Caine: O.O
Rider: OW!
Chase: Haha
Katniss: Can we go now?
Chase: yeah
*They all set off, in around and hour, Caine and Rider are doing the conga while Katniss and Chase and walking moodily behind*
Katniss: What is this place?
*Suddenly, Candy jumps out, dressed as a poppy*
*She sprays some poisonous liquid out of a febreeze can*
Katniss: no no no don't you- *drops down on the grass*
Rider: Dorothy! Dorothy? Katniss! *drops down*
Caine: NO!
Candy: Mwhahahaha! *Tries to run off but trips halfway*
Caine: Red football!
*Caine runs to kick Candy but she crawls away into the bushes*
Chase: Well...what do we do with them?
Caine: We can't just leave them, we need to bring them back to life
Chase: -.-
Magical voice: perhaps I can help
*Arron barks as Hanna appears in a puff of pink smoke, Chase and Caine cough*
Caine: Glinda!
Chase: who?
Caine: Glinda!
Chase: -.-
Hanna: I heard your friends were having some naughty poppies
Chase: Well what do you think? *points to the ground, where Katniss and Rider are*
Hanna: Well, I can fix that!
*Hanna/Glinda waves her wand in the air and Katniss and Rider slowly open their eyes and sit up*
Katniss: Hanna? You saved us?
Hanna: Who?
Katniss: -.- I mean Glinda
Hanna: oh, Of course I did!
Rider: thank you!
Hanna: No problem sugar, and I'll take care of that poppy for you
Chase: Can we go now?
Katniss: yeah, come on guys
Hanna: Wait wait wait!
Caine: What?
Hanna: Can I come with you to the wizard of concussion?
Katniss: But I thought you said you were going to take care of the poppy
Hanna: I will, but the the wizard of concussion has the tools I need to deal with it...plus I want new shoes
Katniss: -.- fine...come on
Hanna: Woopy! But I know a faster way to the Wizard of Concussion
Chase: you do?
Hanna: Yep!
*Hanna waves her wand madly and tiny sparks appear, soon, the six (counting Arron) appear in front of the gates to concussion city*
Caine: yaaay!
Derek: not yay yet my friend
Katniss: Derek?
*Arron barks as Derek appears, dressed as the gate keeper*
Derek: To enter this city, you have to stay with me, and answer this tricky question, if 8 x 9 = 72, which number would be the best one?
Chase: what?
Hanna: Even I don't know that one
Caine: hmmm
*Arron barks*
Katniss: Well, it's called the City of Concussion for a reason
*Katniss picks up a big baseball bat which is for some reason just lying around, and she hits Derek and the head with it*
Hanna: Ah!
*They all watch Derek bash to the ground, surprisingly, no blood comes out*
Hanna: It's called the city of concussion not the city of death!
Katniss: oh well! *grabs the keys and opens the gates*
*The six walk in but aren't seeing what they expected, instead of happy cheerful people skipping around, everyone is laying on the floor, unconscious*
Chase: wooow
Caine: Hey I think that ones conscious- nope, he's unconscious :(
Katniss: Im guessing that's the wizard of Concussion's palace
Hanna: quick, lets get in before we become unconscious
*the six run towards the palace, Arron in the lead, because of his wolf-ness*
Chase: This is it....HELLO!
Caine: His name is concussion?
Loud, mystical yet familiar voice: SILENCE! WHY HAVE YOU COME!?
Katniss: Well, I want to go home! Chase wants a heart! Caine NEEDS a brain! And Hanna...well, she just wants some shoes
Hanna: Hehe :D
Loud, mystical yet familiar voice: IF YOU WANT THESE THINGS, YOU MUST DO SOMETHING FOR ME
Chase: but-
Hanna: I guess that's fair
Katniss: Fine, what do you want
Loud, mystical yet familiar voice: HHMMM...KILL THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST
*four of the six gasp, Caine and Arron do not*
Caine: guys it's ok, we can just say we killed the witch
Loud, mystical yet familiar voice: AND BRING ME HER WITCH HAT AS PROOF
Chase: nice going Scarecrow -.-
Katniss; but-
Loud, mystical yet familiar voice: NO EXCUSES...NOW I MUST LEAVE...I HAVE A SHOE FITTING TO GET TO
Hanna: I think he's gone...
Katniss: Great, so we came all the way here for nothing?
Chase: No, we'll kill the witch, you see if we don't
Will Katniss ever get out of this dream? Can the gang kill the witch? Find out in the next episode of SUPERNATURAL!
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