Monday, 26 August 2013

The Teenies- On Earth

*On top of a high building, soaking wet, four Teenies, around half the size of your hand, Teeny Katniss, Teeny Caine, Teeny Hanna and Teeny Chase, lay down on the ground after a crash landing on their ship, which to the average height of a human, looks like a toy aeroplane*

*Teeny Hanna is the first to wake up*

Teeny Hanna: Ouch :/, what on Pluto happened?

*She suddenly gets flashing images of her crying with her mother as she enters the plane, the engine breaking, and crash landing just before she blacked out*

Teeny Hanna: Well, im lucky to be alive

*Teeny Caine wakes up just after Teeny Hanna does*

Teeny Caine: Owwiee :( what happened?

Teeny Hanna: Teeny Caine! Your alive! 

*Teeny Hanna hugs him, then lets go and stares at Teeny Katniss*

Teeny Hanna: Please wake up, please wake up, please wake up

Teeny Katniss: Well, im gonna pass out again if you keep blowing your bad breath in my face -.-

Teeny Hanna: Your alive!

*Teeny Katniss sits up*

Teeny Katniss: though I wish I wasn't ¬.¬

*Teeny Chase wakes up*

Teeny Chase: are we dead? No, because if we were, I'd see flames and  Teeny Hanna wouldn't be here

Teeny Katniss: Wait a go for answering your own question -.-

Teeny Hanna: Guys come on, we need to fix our plane so we can get to Venus

Teeny Caine: why can't we just stay here for a while? My senses are tingling, I think our bigger versions are around

Teeny Katniss: Mine too, can we meet them? Pleeeeaaase?

Teeny Hanna: ...fine -.- but only because I want to as well

Teeny Chase: Well, what are we waiting for? lets go!

Teeny Hanna: But, how do we get down from here without a plane?

Teeny Katniss: you guys have wings, you can just fly down there

Teeny Caine: but our wings are wet

Teeny Chase: and mine are busted

Teeny Hanna: so we can't fly, and we need to stay out of sight of the humans!

Teeny Katniss: then we go down the long way

*Teeny Katniss, Hanna, Caine and Chase look down at the pipes that are twisted and dangerous that go down one side of the building*

Teeny Katniss: yay -.-

Teeny Caine: wait, there might be a fast way to go down

Teeny Chase: Other than-

*Teeny Caine pushes Teeny Chase down one of the pipes and he gives a high pitched scream*

Teeny Chase: I'll get you for thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis!

Teeny Caine: time to follow!

*Teeny Caine jumps down the pipe, and so do Teeny Katniss and Hanna, soon they all land in a puddle at the bottom*

*Teeny Hanna and Teeny Caine giggle, whereas Teeny Katniss and Teeny Chase are angry*

Teeny Katniss: -.- that, was NOT fun

Teeny Chase: I agree, can we just go, before anything else happens?

Teeny Hanna: Your right, follow me! 

*Teeny Hanna marches off, Teeny Caine copies, but Teeny Katniss and Teeny Chase just walk normally*

Teeny Caine: follow the yellow haired girl, followed the yellow haired girl, follow, follow, follow, fol-

*Teeny Hanna stops walking*

Teeny Hanna: The road O.O

Teeny Katniss: Lets just cross it

Teeny Chase: idiot, that could be dangerous!

Teeny Katniss: Oh please, danger is my middle name

Teeny Chase: Actually, it's mine!

Teeny Hanna: Will you two stop arguing for one second!? We need to cross carefully, on my lead...RUN!

*They all run*

Teeny Hanna: Stop!

*They all stop*

Teeny Hanna: RUN!

*They all run*

Teeny Hanna: St-

Teeny Katniss: Oh for heavens sake just GO!

*After a lot of stopping and running, the Teenies make it safely across the road*

*They all look up at the forest

Teeny Hanna: We're here...the forest

What will happen now that the Teenies are off plan? What will Chase do to get back at Caine? Will they find their bigger versions?

Find out in the next episode of The Teenies!

Join the Teenies next monday, and the SUPERNATURALS every Sunday!

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