Friday 5 July 2013

Hello Fellow Humans :D

OK, so I'd like to give credit to my friends who have actually created these Characters and I asked if I could use them in my thing's the credit for my MSP friends!

Katniss + Caine = my Characters

Hanna + Chase = Zanna.

Candy = Dance24

Georgia + Rider = Annie Wannie

There are gonna be way more of these Thanks thingies, and while I got you all reading here are some questions you guys have been asking me

Q: Who are these Characters based on?
A: They aren't really based on anyone. The names are from my MSP friend's RP characters

Q: Why did you decide to create these?
A: Because I love supernatural RP's and I have seen many themes of blog shows but not supernatural alone

Q: Are there any more Characters coming into this series
A: Yes, but I'm not telling you who!

That's all for now, ask me more questions if yours wasn't answered

Bye and see you on Supernatural!

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